Fall Trip 2024

Fill out the below form to join us for our fall trip to the Ottawa River on September 27th 2024! Please note that our BEGINNER SIGNUPS are located on a separate form at the bottom of the page. Community members must have previous whitewater kayaking experience.


We will be leaving Carleton in the evening of Friday September 27th and camping at OWL. You will be able to purchase food en route or bring your own food for dinner.

Saturday September 28th there will be lessons available to beginners at a cost of $100 (This lesson is mandatory if you haven’t whitewater kayaked before). We will be preparing breakfast, a pack-able lunch, and dinner for everyone camping with us at OWL.

Sunday, September 29th we will have breakfast and a pack-able lunch. Then, we will stop on the way home for a meal Sunday evening.


We are camping at OWL for Friday and Saturday night. We will have potable water, electricity for cooking etc., washrooms and showers. You will need to bring camping equipment such as tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag, etc. If you do not have your own tent please email events@cukc.ca and we will provide one while available or help you find camping gear.


For rides, please try and coordinate with each other. If you are unable to find a ride to the river, email us events@cukc.ca .


The full cost of the trip for beginners with the lesson is $170. The cost for kayakers not taking the beginner lesson is $70. This cost includes Friday night and Saturday night camping at OWL, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 1 dinner. Please send your payment as an e-transfer to finance@cukc.ca . Please put your name in the e-transfer message. There is a non-refundable service fee of $1. The confirmation number for the e-transfer is asked for in the signup form. If you have any payment questions please email events@cukc.ca.


Beginners who need gear will be provided with the basic kayaking kit for free. This includes a kayak, paddle, helmet, pfd, skirt and spray jacket. We will be fitting beginners into kayaks and gear the weekend prior to the trip (September 21-22).


If you are participating in the fall trip, your club membership fee is free. Please go to cukc.ca/membership to fill out a membership form. This allows you to join us for pool sessions, rolling practice, spring trip and other club events throughout the year. If you are not joining us for the fall trip, membership is $10 for students and $15 for community members.


If you are able to help us organize and run the trip, please indicate this in the below signup form. We are looking for people to help cook meals, buy food, fit beginners in gear, and help rescue in the river. We are also looking for additional camp items including: another BBQ/something to cook on, extension cords, canopy tents for meals, trailers/truck beds for shuttles (we have one Uhaul for beginner gear), pots/pans, coolers for food. A huge thank you to anyone who is able to help out.