Spring Trip 2024

Spring Trip 2024!!

The Spring Trip will be taking place Friday April 26th – Sunday April 28th on the Ottawa River.

Important Note: 

This is not a beginner trip, to attend you must have some white water experience and be able to roll in at least flat water.

***Please read the following for information and clarification on itinerary, cost, membership, gear, etc. ***

Brief itinerary : 

Friday April 26th:

We will be leaving Carleton University Friday evening and camping at Owl Rafting. Food is not provided on Friday, we suggest eating before leaving, bringing your own food or stopping along the way to buy dinner. 

Saturday April 27th:

We will prepare breakfast, and a pack-able lunch for on the river. We will be kayaking the Ottawa River. Once everyone is back at Owl, dinner will be prepared. 

Sunday April 28th:

We will prepare breakfast and a pack-able lunch, clean up/pack up, and then we will paddle the Ottawa River. Afterwards if needed we will return to owl to finish cleaning up, then we will head back to Ottawa. 


We are camping at Owl Rafting (40 owl Ln, Foresters Falls, ON K0J 1V0) for Friday and Saturday night. We will have potable water, electricity for cooking and washrooms. You will need to bring camping equipment such as a tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag, etc. If you do not have your own tent please email events@cukc.ca and we will provide one while available or help you find camping gear.


For rides, please try and coordinate with each other. If you are unable to find a ride to the river/need a ride, email us events@cukc.ca and we will help arrange one. If you are willing to volunteer to drive other people please let us know. A sign up form for car pooling for those needing a drive or willing to drive others will be on the website.


Cost will differ depending on what options you select.

Meals for the weekend: $50.00

Camping: $10.00 a night, $20.00 for the weekend

Club Membership (needed to participate): $10.00 for students, $15.00 for community members, this fee can be included in your payment for the trip, however, please fill out the membership form on the website in addition if you have not already done so this year (starting September 1st, 2022)


If you need to use club gear it will be provided as part of the trip. This includes a kayak, paddle, helmet, pfd, skirt, spray jacket, dry suit. We will be fitting kayaks and gear prior to the trip, a date will be announced for fittings closer to the event.


If you are participating in the spring trip please go to cukc.ca/membership to fill out a membership form, you can include your membership fee with your payment for fall trip. This allows you to join us for pool sessions, rolling practice, spring trip and other club events throughout the year. Membership is $10 for students and $15 for community members.

If you were on a fall trip and have attended pool sessions this year this should already be done and won’t need to be completed again till the fall. 


If you are able to help out in any way, please email us at events@cukc.ca or indicate this in the signup form. We are looking for people to help cook meals, fit people in gear, and help rescue people on the river. We are also looking for additional camp items including: another BBQ/something to cook on, extension cords, canopy tents for meals, trailers/truck beds for shuttles, etc. A huge thank you to anyone who is able to help out. 

*** more detail will be sent out closer to the trip as well as waivers to those who have signed up***

For any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at events@cukc.ca

Hope to see you on the trip!