41 Results for author: Events @ CUKC
Great day on the river. Beginners were stoked to get their first whitewater rolls and surfs. Nothing like the first window shade. Amazing warm up for our upcoming fall trip (Sep 22-24), make sure to sign up at http://cukc.ca/fall-trip-signup. Thank you to all our momma ducks and safety boaters.
Are you ready for the best weekend of the year? CUKC's Fall Trip will be happening September 22-24 this year, and promises to be the best trip ever. Come get stoked, get wet, and meet some awesome new friends.
We've invited the Parks Canada Outdoors Club of Carleton (PCOCC) again this year to camp with us Friday night and raft the river on Saturday. ...
Check out the short film our club paddler Juan Pablo Lavin V. put together. The video made it into "the Short Film of the Year Awards' hosted by Kayak Session Magazine
Make sure you watch the video in youtube and make sure to give it a like on youtube as well (That's how the videos move up the competition). The top 3 videos will get cash as a prize....
2nd place at King of Clubs this year! Well done everyone it was a blast!
King of the Clubs Photo Gallery